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List your home with Bezrealitky

Inzerovat na Bezrealitky můžete již od CZK 249 a zvládne to díky jednoduchému procesu opravdu každý.

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Why Bezrealitky?

We offer so much more than just a property listing website.

DM Platform

Communication with your prospects will be as easy as it gets. With our DM platform, you can send, read, and filter messages, check your prospects’ profiles, or sort them with tags. You’ll never miss a thing. With each incoming message, we’ll send a notification straight to your inbox

Premium Services

Kromě inzerce poskytujeme nadstandardní služby jako Ověření bezdlužnosti zájemce, abyste měli jistotu, že zájemce je spolehlivý. Dále zajišťujeme kompletní Advokátní služby či Nájemní smlouvu. U některých inzertních balíčků navíc nabízíme Garanci vrácení peněz pro případ, že se vám nepovede spojit se s vážným zájemcem.

Nejvíce vás zajímá

Applicant Scoring on Bezrealitky is a service that helps you identify the most suitable candidates for your property. Based on various criteria such as the applicant’s completed profile, existing debt-free verification, liability insurance, or offering a higher rent, the Bezrealitky platform will recommend the most reliable candidates, making it easier for you to choose your future tenant.
One-time listing upgrade on Bezrealitky means your ad will be moved to the top of the property listings, increasing its visibility. This feature helps you attract more potential applicants. You can set the time and date of the boost according to your preferences.
Applicant verification is conducted based on data from several institutions (up to 6) that provide information, such as details about executions or insolvencies of the applicant. Basic information is checked online using the Central Register of Executions, Insolvency Register, and the Czech Republic's Register of Wanted Persons. You can also check if the applicant is involved in an execution or insolvency. Using IČ or DIČ, you can verify a legal entity or self-employed individual as a reliable VAT payer.
The results of the applicant verification are available immediately and can be downloaded in PDF format. A sample report can be found here.
You can read more detailed information about the service here.
We promote your ad in the details of competing ads as "Similar Offers Nearby," and after 24 hours, your listing will be marked with the label “DON'T MISS.” This helps your ad reach a broader range of potential tenants, increasing the chances of a quick rental.