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Premium Profile

Save CZK 19,000 on agency fees

For a full 3 months, you will have access to a secure communication platform for direct contact with the owner and to arrange viewings. Additionally, you will receive a current rental agreement from a lawyer for free.

CZK 19,000 spared, on average
Free Tenant Credit Check
Deal with private owners
Premium Extension Guarantee
Go premium for CZK 799

Premium Profile Benefits

Save CZK 19,000 on agency fees.

On Bezrealitky, you’re dealing with private owners. No agency fees. Pay just CZK 799 for 3 months and save approximately CZK 19,000. With Premium, you can contact with as many landlords as you want.

Tenant Credit Check – FREE OF CHARGE

Who would want to deal with tenants who stop paying rent? No wonder landlords prefer solid, verified prospects. Be one of them: with Premium, you can run a free-of-charge Tenant Credit Check on yourself.

Boost your chances

A nice but reasonable flat is a true treasure. Boost your chances to find one. Go Premium and add your personal details to make your profile look more credible to the landlords.

Premium Extension Guarantee

Not happy with the results? Need more time to find your perfect home? Contact us before your Premium Profile expires. We’ll extend it FREE OF CHARGE and give you tips on how to boost your chances to hunt your perfect home.

7 hours

is how quick an average flat in Prague gets rented


is how much you’ll save with us on commissions

5 times faster

than others is how fast you'll find your dream home with us

3 months

for you to reap the Premium Profile benefits

Find your dream home commission-free

Pay CZK 799 – once. Save CZK 19,000 on agency fees. Contact as many owners as you want. For 3 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

On Bezrealitky, you communicate with private owners and don’t pay a dime to real estate agents. You can either spend 19,000 CZK (an average rental commission in Prague) or 799 CZK for three-month access to our Premium Profile that allows you to reply to ‘To Rent’ listings.

With a Premium Profile, you’ll see new listings before other users do, so there’s a great chance you’ll the first prospect to contact the owner. No wonder Premium users find their dream home five times faster, on average, than users with a basic account. How? Thanks to the active watchdog feature.

No, you don’t need a Premium Profile to reply to ‘For Sale’ listings. Why is that? A paid profile with a credit check feature and your detailed info is crucial when renting. The owners like to know to whom they rent their property and whether it will be in good hands. With a Premium Profile, you get one credit check per person.
With a Premium Profile, you can click the red button ´Contact Owner´ next to the listing. We can’t give you their number, but we bet they’ll be happy to share it once they see you two are on the same page.
No, it’s a one-time payment, and your Premium Profile will be valid for exactly three months.

Many homeowners have burnt their fingers with delinquent tenants. With a Premium Profile, you get your credit check free of charge. No credit check may raise a red flag. Go to My Bezrealitky –> Profile Settings.

To run a credit check on you we’ll need your name, surname, date of birth, birth number (issued in the Czech Republic) and your permanent address. We’ll check if your permanent address is not registered at the municipal office based on your stated address. We’ll review this data with the Central Register of Enforcement Proceedings, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Register, and the Register of Wanted and Missing Persons.

If the owner wants to know if your company (or you as a self-employed person) are a reliable VAT payer, we’ll need your Company Registration Number or a VAT number to run the check.

The record is downloadable in PDF – just for you, but not the owners! You may send it to whomever you want. What all owners can see, though, is a ‘Checked’ badge on your profile.

Not happy with the results? Need more time to find your perfect home? Contact us before your Premium Profile expires. We’ll extend it FREE OF CHARGE and give you tips on how to boost your chances as a prospect.

I didn’t feel like paying extra on agency fees when looking for a flat. Instead, I paid CZK 799 on Bezrealitky and rented my place from a private owner. With the spared 20K, I bought a new couch for the flat. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right?

Miloš Koudelka

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