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3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 114 m², Na Valech, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 4+kk • 114 m² without real estateNa Valech, Prague - Hradčany

Na Valech, Prague - HradčanyPartially equipped • Lift • Balcony 2 m² • Cellar 2 m²
Monthly rentCZK 43,000

+ Service chargesCZK 2,000
+ Utility chargesCZK 1
+ Refundable depositCZK 45,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 43,000 on commissions.

Moderní a prostorný 4+kk byt v historické cihlové budově nabízí svým budoucím nájemníkům pohodlné a kvalitní bydlení. Jedná se o luxusní lokalitu v těsné blízkosti Pražského Hradu, dvě minuty na metro Hradčanská. Kromě parku před domem je to pět minut do Letenských sadů. Veškerá občanská vybavenost doslova za rohem.

Byt je ve velmi dobrém stavu a je částečně vybaven, což poskytuje ideální základ pro vlastní úpravy a dotvoření podle vlastních představ. Vysoké stropy a velká okna zajišťují dostatek svěla a slunce. Byt se nachází ve 3. patře z celkových 4, přičemž výtah je samozřejmostí.

S rozlohou 114 m2 nabízí dostatek prostoru pro pohodlné bydlení a relaxaci. Možnost spolubydlení, parkování či garáž není součástí nabídky.

Pokud hledáte moderní a prostorný byt v této jedinečné lokalitě, neváhejte nás kontaktovat skrz zprávy a domluvte si prohlídku této unikátní nemovitosti.

Modern and spacious 4+kk apartment in a historic brick building offers comfortable and quality living to its future tenants. It is a luxurious location in close proximity to Prague Castle, two minutes to Hradčanská metro station. Besides the park in front of the building, it is five minutes to Letná Park. All amenities literally around the corner.

The apartment is in very good condition and partially furnished, providing an ideal foundation for personal adjustments and customization according to one's preferences. High ceilings and large windows ensure plenty of light and sunshine. The apartment is located on the 3rd floor out of a total of 4, with an elevator being a given.

With a floor area of 114 m2, it offers plenty of space for comfortable living and relaxation. Co-living, parking, or garage options are not included in the offer.

If you are looking for a modern and spacious apartment in this unique location, do not hesitate to contact us via messages and schedule a viewing of this unique property.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID883622
Fully furnishedPartly
ConditionVery good
Building constructionBrick
HeatingGas boiler
Cena za jednotkuCZK 377 / m2
Užitná plocha114
Available from05/03/2025
Floor3. podlaží z 4
AgeOver 50 years

Additional information

Balcony: 2 m²
Basement: 2 m²

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