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1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 74 m², Nad Šestikopy, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 2+kk • 74 m² without real estateNad Šestikopy, Prague - Prosek

Nad Šestikopy, Prague - ProsekEquipped • Lift • Garage • Cellar 1.5 m² • Loggia 35 m²
Monthly rentCZK 23,000

+ Service chargesCZK 5,700
+ Refundable depositCZK 29,900


DM all private owners and save CZK 23,000 on commissions.

Nabídka obrovského bytu přímo u stanice metra Prosek. Poskytuji pronájem jedinečného bytu s obrovskou obytnou plochou a skvělou polohou. Byt se nachází v moderní novostavbě, pouhé 3 minuty chůze od stanice metra PROSEK (trasa C) a jen 5 minut autobusem od stanice PALMOVKA (trasa B), autobusová zastávka 1 min. volnou chůzí od bytu. Garážové stání i sklep jsou součástí ceny nájmu.

Dominantou bytu je velkorysý prostorný obývací pokoj (41 m²) propojený s plně vybavenou kuchyní. Z této místnosti vedou dveře na krytou lodžii, kde si můžete užít klid s výhledem do tiché vedlejší ulice Nad Šestikopy. Díky promyšlené dispozici a orientaci bytu je ložnice orientována na sever do klidného vnitrobloku se zelení a zaručuje tak klidné spaní i příjemné prostředí pro odpočinek. Moderní kuchyň je vybavena všemi spotřebiči (sklokeramická varná deska, trouba, myčka, lednice s mrazákem). Byt je navíc kompletně zařízen včetně nádobí a nabízí neobvykle velkorysé úložné prostory. Koupelna s vanou je vybavena pračkou, zatímco toaleta s umyvadlem je prakticky oddělena. Byt leží v klidné a historicky zajímavé části Proseka, která láká na příjemné procházky i skvělé restaurace v dochozí vzdálenosti. Obchodní centrum BILLA u stanice metra Prosek zajistí vše potřebné. Vzhledem k zařízení bytu není vhodný byt pro domácí zvířata. Cena nájmu je 23 000Kč poplatky domu 5700 Kč + el. energie (cca 1200Kč)

Prosím, abyste v odpovědi uvedli několik informací o sobě.

Offer of a huge apartment right next to Prosek metro station. I offer the rental of a unique apartment with a huge living area and perfect location. The apartment is located in a modern new building, just 3 minutes walk from PROSEK metro station (line C) and only 5 minutes by bus from PALMOVKA station (line B), bus stop 1 minute walk from the apartment. A garage parking space and a cellar are included in the rental price. The highlight of the apartment is a spacious living room (41 m²) connected to a fully equipped kitchen. From this room, doors lead to a covered balcony where you can enjoy peace with a view of the quiet side street Nad Šestikopy. Thanks to the well-thought-out layout and orientation of the apartment, the bedroom is oriented to the north towards a quiet courtyard with greenery, guaranteeing peaceful sleep and a pleasant environment for relaxation. The modern kitchen is equipped with all appliances (ceramic hob, oven, dishwasher, fridge with freezer). The apartment is also fully furnished, including dishes, and offers unusually generous storage space. The bathroom with a bathtub is equipped with a washing machine, while the toilet with a sink is conveniently separate. The apartment is located in a quiet and historically interesting part of Prosek, which invites pleasant walks and great restaurants within walking distance. The BILLA shopping center at PROSEK metro station provides everything you need. Due to the apartment's equipment, it is not suitable for pets.

Please provide some information about yourself in your response.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID880177
Fully furnishedFully furnished
Building constructionBrick
Užitná plocha74
UmístěníKlidná část
Available from03/02/2025
Floor3. podlaží z 5
Cena za jednotkuCZK 311 / m2

Additional information

Basement: 1.5 m²
Loggia balcony: 35 m²

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