Flat to rent 2 bedroom • 40 m² without real estatePrievozská, Ružinov - Nivy, Bratislavský Region
Prievozská, Ružinov - Nivy, Bratislavský RegionPublic transport 1 minute of walking • Equipped • LiftThe rent and fees apply for an 8-month lease. However, this offer can be rented through Flatio starting from 1 month. The administrative fee is lower for shorter rentals. Rentals shorter than 6 months are always without a deposit.
Byt s balkónom na Prievozskej ulici. Ponúkame na prenájom 1-izbový byt v Apollisu na Prievozskej ulici.
Úžitková plocha: 40 m²
Balkón: 5 m² so severnou orientáciou- jemné, rovnomerné denné svetlo
Poschodie: 4, výťah
- súhlas s pobytom pre cudzicov / súhlas s trvalým pobytom pre získanie parkovacej karty
Vybavenie: Klimatizácia, žalúzie, vykurovanie radiátormi s výmeníkovou stanicou, kúpelňa s vaňou, kuchynská linka a vstavaný nábytok
Dispozícia bytu: Byt sa skladá z komfortnej obývacej izby s priestrannou kuchyňou a jedálenským kútom, spálne so stavanou skriňou, kúpelne s vaňou a toaletou zariadenou v modernom štýle.
Okolie ponúka platené a bezplatné parkovanie, obchody s potravinami, oddychové zóny, rekreačné strediská, Národný futbalový štadión, nákupné centrá: Nivy, Central.
Táto lokalita ponúka výbornú dostupnosť do centra a všetko potrebné na jednom mieste – od obchodných centier až po pokojné zóny na oddych.
Apartment with a balcony on Prievozská Street. We offer for rent a 1-room apartment in Apollis on Prievozská street.
Usable area: 40 m²
Balcony: 5 m² with north orientation - gentle, even daylight
Floor: 4, elevator
- consent to stay for foreigners / consent to permanent residence for obtaining a parking card
Equipment: Air conditioning, blinds, radiator heating with exchange station, bathroom with bathtub, kitchen unit and built-in furniture
Layout of the apartment: The apartment consists of a comfortable living room with a spacious kitchen and dining area, a bedroom with a built-in wardrobe, a bathroom with a bathtub and a toilet furnished in a modern style.
The neighborhood offers paid and free parking, grocery stores, recreation areas, recreation centers, the National Football Stadium, shopping centers: Nivy, Central.
This location offers excellent accessibility to the center and everything you need in one place - from shopping centers to quiet areas for relaxation.
Property Characteristics
Listing ID | 879777 |
Layout | 2 bedroom |
Fully furnished | Fully furnished |
Floor | 5. podlaží |
Užitná plocha | 40 m² |
Umístění | Klidná část |
Available from | 30/04/2025 |
Cena za jednotku | €26 / m2 |
Additional information
Lift |
MHD 1 minute on foot |
What you will find nearby
The rent and fees apply for an 8-month lease. However, this offer can be rented through Flatio starting from 1 month. The administrative fee is lower for shorter rentals. Rentals shorter than 6 months are always without a deposit.
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- 75 m²
€1,210 + €213
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