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3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 70 m², V Štíhlách, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 3+1 • 70 m² without real estateV Štíhlách, Prague - Krč

Don’t miss out
V Štíhlách, Prague - KrčPartially equipped • Loggia 6 m²
Vyžadováno pojištění odpovědnostiVyžadováno ověření bezdlužnosti
Monthly rentCZK 19,000

+ Service chargesCZK 1,000
+ Utility chargesCZK 4,000
+ Refundable depositCZK 19,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 19,000 on commissions.

K dlouhodobému pronájmu nabízíme byt 3+1 po rekonstrukci.

Byt se nachází v Krči v malém třípatrovém domě s výhledem do zeleně. Je vybaven kuchyňskou linkou, sporákem, pračkou, sušičkou a ledničkou. K bytu náleží komora na patře. Celková rozloha bytu činí 70 m2, plus 8 m2 lodžie a komora. V blízkosti škola, školka, obchod, MHD 200 m. Na metro Kačerov 8 minut, na Muzeum 22 minut hromadnou dopravou.

K dispozici od 1. února 2025

For long-term rental, we offer a 3+1 apartment after renovation.

The apartment is located in Krč in a small three-story building with a view of greenery. It is equipped with a kitchen unit, stove, washing machine, dryer, and refrigerator. The apartment includes a storage room on the same floor.

The total area of the apartment is 70 m², plus an 8 m² loggia and storage room. Nearby, there is a school, kindergarten, shop, and public transport just 200 m away. It's an 8-minute ride to Kačerov metro station and 22 minutes to the Museum station by public transport.

Available from February 1, 2025.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID876751
Fully furnishedPartly
ConditionVery good
Building constructionPrefab concrete
Užitná plocha70
UmístěníKlidná část
Available from01/02/2025
Floor3. podlaží z 3
Cena za jednotkuCZK 271 / m2

Additional information

Loggia balcony: 6 m²

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