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1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 138 m², Slavíkova, Prague, Prague

Flat for sale 2+kk • 138 m² without real estateSlavíkova, Prague - Žižkov

Slavíkova, Prague - ŽižkovEquipped • Lift • Cellar 40 m² • Terrace 33 m²
PriceCZK 18,000,000

Nabízíme vám byt 2+kk s terasou a profi saunou o výměře 138m2, s výhledem do zeleně vnitrobloku ve Slavíkově ulici, v klidné a krásné rezidenční čtvrti u náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad a Riegrových sadů.

Byt o velikosti 138m2, včetně terasy 33m2 po kompletní rekonstrukci se rozprostírá na dvou podlažích.

Ve vyšším (přízemním) patře je obývací pokoj s kuchyňským koutem, ložnice, koupelna s vanou a s WC, předsíň a terasa, na níž je výstup z obou pokojů bytu. Na podlahách jsou pravé dřevěné parkety. Vytápění bytu je podlahové.

V nižším patře bytu je místnost vhodná ke skladování zásob a ateliér k relaxaci s profi saunou pro 6 osob se solným panelem, sprchou, toaletou, prádelnou a úklidovou místností.

Mix obyčejného i vyrobeného na míru nábytku je v ceně bytu, ovšem je možné se dohodnout na částečném nebo úplném vyprázdnění.

Dům stojí v původní zástavbě Královských Vinohrad s řadou rozlehlých parků a bezpočtem restaurací, kaváren, divadel a galerií, v pěší blízkosti základních i středních škol a nákupního centra. Rychle se dostanete i na stanice MHD - Jiřího z Poděbrad (Metro A), U Prdlavky (Bus), Viktoria Žižkov (Tram), odkud to je do centra několik minut.

Byt se hodí milovníkům klidného, tichého a čistého prostředí, kteří ocení přírodu či wellness, nebo také za účelem komerčního pronájmu pro dlouhodobé nebo krátkodobé pobyty s možností využití sauny.

We offer you a 2+kk apartment with a terrace and a professional sauna with a total area of 138m2, overlooking the green courtyard in Slavíkova Street, in a quiet and beautiful residential area near Jiřího z Poděbrad Square and Riegrovy sady.

The apartment, measuring 138m2, including a 33m2 terrace, has been completely renovated and is spread over two floors.

The higher (ground) floor features a living room with a kitchenette, bedroom, bathroom with a bathtub and toilet, entrance hall and terrace with access from both rooms. The floors are covered with real wooden parquet. The apartment is heated by underfloor heating.

The lower floor of the apartment includes a room suitable for storing supplies and a relaxation studio with a professional sauna for 6 people with a salt panel, shower, toilet, laundry room, and cleaning room.

A mix of standard and custom-made furniture is included in the price of the apartment, but it is possible to negotiate partial or complete emptying.

The house is located in the original development of Královské Vinohrady with numerous spacious parks and a variety of restaurants, cafes, theaters, and galleries, within walking distance of primary and secondary schools and a shopping center. You can quickly reach public transport stations - Jiřího z Poděbrad (Metro A), U Prdlavky (Bus), Viktoria Žižkov (Tram), from where it is only a few minutes to the city center.

The apartment is suitable for lovers of a quiet, peaceful, and clean environment, who will appreciate nature or wellness, or for commercial rental for long or short stays with the possibility of using the sauna.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID873965
Fully furnishedFully furnished
ConditionAfter reconstruction
EPCC - Economical
HeatingElectric boiler
RisksPrověřit »
Užitná plocha138
UmístěníKlidná část
Available from26/11/2024
Floor1. podlaží z 7
Building constructionBrick
AgeOver 50 years
Cena za jednotkuCZK 130,435 / m2

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Additional information

Terrace/deck: 33 m²
Basement: 40 m²
Wheelchair accessible

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