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2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 100 m², Myslínova, Brno, Jihomoravský Region

Flat for sale 3+kk • 100 m² without real estateMyslínova, Brno - Královo Pole, Jihomoravský Region

Myslínova, Brno - Královo Pole, Jihomoravský RegionEquipped • Parking • Garage • Cellar 3.2 m² • Terrace 84 m²
PriceCZK 15,219,240

Na prodej nabízím luxusní a plně vybavený byt 3+kk s 84m2 velkou terasou v novostavbě cihlového domu. Součástí vybavení je například klimatizace v každém pokoji, pergola (28m2) s polohovacími lamelami nebo elektroinstalace s napojením na chytrou domácnost Loxone https://www.loxone.com/cscz/chytry-dum/ (vše je možné lehce ovládat i přes aplikaci). Dominantou tohoto bytu je krásný výhled z terasy na centrum města včetně hradu Špilberk.

Byt se nachází ve 5. patře z celkových 5 podlaží a má celkovou plochu 100,3 m2. K bytu patří také sklep (3,2m2). Nemovitost disponuje štítkem energetické náročnosti A, což zaručuje nízké provozní náklady.

V ceně nemovitosti jsou 2 parkovací místa, jedno venkovní a druhé v garáži. Bytový dům disponuje výtahem.

Cena je stanovena takto:

Užitná plocha + cena terasy (1/2 metráže užitné plochy)

15.219.240,- : (100m2+42m2) = 107.177,- za m2

Podle statistik na Sreality je momentální vývoj ceny v lokalitě 113.642 Kč/m2, s tím že navíc nabízím byt zcela vybavený, s veškerým interiérovým a venkovním nábytkem, klimatizací, chytrou domácností, hliníkovou pergolou, se zasazenými venkovními keři a stromky

I offer for sale a luxurious and fully equipped 3+kk apartment with a 84m2 large terrace in a newly built brick house. The equipment includes, for example, air conditioning, a pergola (28m2) with positioning slats or electrical installations connected to the Loxone smart home https://www.loxone.com/cscz/chytry-dum/ (everything can be easily controlled via the app). The dominant feature of this apartment is the beautiful view from the terrace of the city center including Špilberk Castle. The apartment is located on the 5th floor out of a total of 5 floors and has a total area of ​​100.3 m2. The apartment also includes a cellar (3.2 m2). The property has an energy efficiency label A, which guarantees low operating costs. The price of the property includes 2 parking spaces, one outside and the other in the garage. The apartment building has an elevator.

The price is set as follows:

Usable area + terrace price (1/2 meter of usable area)

15,219,240 CZK : (100m2+42m2) = 107,177 CZK per m2

According to statistics on Sreality, the current price development in the location is 113,642 CZK/m2, with the fact that I also offer a fully equipped apartment, with all interior and exterior furniture, air conditioning, smart home, aluminum pergola, with planted outdoor bushes and trees

Property Characteristics

Listing ID872858
Fully furnishedFully furnished
EPCA - Extremely economical
Cena za jednotkuCZK 152,192 / m2
Užitná plocha100
Available from06/02/2025
Floor5. podlaží z 5
Building constructionBrick
AgeUp to 10 years
RisksPrověřit »

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Additional information

Terrace/deck: 84 m²
Basement: 3.2 m²

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