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1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 47 m², Lomená, Zbuzany, Středočeský Region

Flat to rent 2+kk • 47 m² without real estateLomená, Zbuzany - Zbuzany, Středočeský Region

Lomená, Zbuzany - Zbuzany, Středočeský RegionParking • Loggia 6 m²
Vyžadováno pojištění odpovědnosti
Monthly rentCZK 15,990

+ Service chargesCZK 2,000
+ Utility chargesCZK 800
+ Refundable depositCZK 15,990


DM all private owners and save CZK 15,990 on commissions.

Byt pronajímá přímo majitel bez RK, neplatíte žádnou provizi.

Nájemné 15990 Kč, měsíční poplatky 2000 Kč, elektřina se převádí na nájemce. Kauce ve výši jednoho měsíčního nájmu.

Základní dispozice bytu je jeden velký pokoj s kuchyňským koutem, po dohodě s nájemníkem je možné byt upravit jako 2+kk pomocí vestavěných skříní a stěny s posuvnými dveřmi. Touto úpravou vznikne útulná a světlá ložnice. Orientační půdorys bytu zahrnuje vestavěnou skříň a stěnu s posuvnými dveřmi. Byt je k dispozici od 1.11.2024, případná úprava dispozice bude provedena během jednoho dne cca do 1 měsíce po dohodě s nájemníkem.

Byt zahrnuje vstupní předsíň (6m2), koupelnu (5m2), pokoj s kuchyňským koutem (36m2) a prostornou lodžii (6m2). Dvě velká francouzská okna, orientovaná na východ do zahrady, zajišťují dostatek světla. Kuchyň je vybavená elektrickou troubou, sklokeramickou varnou deskou, myčkou, mikrovlnnou troubou a lednicí. Koupelna je vybavená pračkou.

Dům byl kolaudován v roce 2009 a má průkaz energetické náročnosti (PENB) třídy C - úsporný. Zdroj tepla a teplé vody je plynová kotelna v domě.

Zastávka vlaku a autobusu je od domu 3-4 minuty chůze. Vlak je za 15 minut na stanici metra Smíchovské Nádraží. Autobus je za 14 minut na stanici metra Luka.

The apartment is rented directly by the landlord, without an agent, no commission required.

Rent 15990 CZK, monthly fees 2000 CZK, electricity is transferred to the tenant. Deposit in the amount of one month's rent.

The basic layout of the apartment is one large room with a kitchenette. Upon agreement with the tenant, the apartment can be modified as a 2+kk with built-in wardrobes and a wall with sliding doors. This arrangement creates a cozy and bright bedroom. The approximate floor plan of the apartment includes a built-in wardrobe and a the wall with sliding doors. The apartment is available from 1/11/2024, any changes to the layout will be made during one day within approx. 1 month after agreement with the tenant.

The apartment includes an entrance hall (6m2), a bathroom (5m2), a room with a kitchenette (36m2) and a spacious loggia (6m2). Two large French windows, facing east to the garden, provide plenty of light. The kitchen is equipped with an electric oven, ceramic hob, dishwasher, microwave oven and refrigerator. The bathroom is equipped with a washing machine.

The house was approved in 2009 and has an energy efficiency certificate (PENB) of class C - economical. The source of heat and hot water is the gas boiler in the house.

The train and bus stop is a 3-4 minute walk from the house. The train takes 15 minutes to the Smíchovské Nádraží metro station. The bus takes 14 minutes to the metro station Luka.

The apartment is rented directly by the landlord, without an agent, no commission required.

Rent 15990 CZK, monthly fees 2000 CZK, electricity is transferred to the tenant. Deposit in the amount of one month's rent.

The basic layout of the apartment is one large room with a kitchenette. Upon agreement with the tenant, the apartment can be modified as a 2+kk with built-in wardrobes and a wall with sliding doors. This arrangement creates a cozy and bright bedroom. The approximate floor plan of the apartment includes a built-in wardrobe and a the wall with sliding doors. The apartment is available from 1/11/2024, any changes to the layout will be made during one day within approx. 1 month after agreement with the tenant.

The apartment includes an entrance hall (6m2), a bathroom (5m2), a room with a kitchenette (36m2) and a spacious loggia (6m2). Two large French windows, facing east to the garden, provide plenty of light. The kitchen is equipped with an electric oven, ceramic hob, dishwasher, microwave oven and refrigerator. The bathroom is equipped with a washing machine.

The house was approved in 2009 and has an energy efficiency certificate (PENB) of class C - economical. The source of heat and hot water is the gas boiler in the house.

The train and bus stop is a 3-4 minute walk from the house. The train takes 15 minutes to the Smíchovské Nádraží metro station. The bus takes 14 minutes to the metro station Luka.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID869287
Available from25/10/2024
Floor3. podlaží z 3
Užitná plocha47
Fully furnishedUnfurnished
ConditionVery good
Building constructionSkeleton

Additional information

Loggia balcony: 6 m²

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