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2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 79 m², Padovská, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 3+kk • 79 m² without real estatePadovská, Prague - Horní Měcholupy

Padovská, Prague - Horní MěcholupyPartially equipped • Lift • Garage • Balcony 18.3 m²
Monthly rentCZK 30,000

+ Service chargesCZK 7,000
+ Utility chargesCZK 1,000
+ Refundable depositCZK 60,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 30,000 on commissions.

Nabízím k pronájmu krásný byt 3+kk s velkým balkónem nad korunami stromů hostivařského lesoparku. Tento jen 6 let starý byt se nachází ve 6. podlaží (s výtahem). Celková plocha bytu činí 79,9 m2 a byt je částečně vybaven.

Byt je k dispozici téměř ihned (probíhá dovystěhování a malování) na dobu pronájmu 2 roky.

K bytu je možné pronajmout jedno nebo dvě garážová stání přímo v budově v -1 podlaží.

Díky své poloze na kraji zástavby je byt výjimečně klidný. Výhled z oken a balkónu je nad korunami stromů, s dohledem na Háje, Průhonice, Říčany - jižní orientace. Obě ložnice mají navíc okna na západ. Jižní okna jsou vybavena venkovními el. žaluziemi, západní okna jsou vybavena el. roletami.

Vybavení bytu: Byt má plně vybavenou kuchyň (indukční varná deska, trouba, lednička, myčka). Ve zbytku bytu jsou velké skříně. Jedna ložnice je vybavena postelí, ale je nutné zakoupit vlastní matraci. V koupelně je pračka. V hlavním pokoji je velký stůl a nouzová pohovka.

Přijďte na prohlídku. Byt je na vlastní oči mnohem hezčí než na fotkách.

I offer for rent a beautiful 3+kk apartment with a large balcony overlooking the treetops of the Hostivař forest park. This only 6-year-old apartment is located on the 6th floor (with an elevator). The total area of the apartment is 79.9 m2 and the apartment is partially furnished.

The apartment is available almost immediately (moving out and painting is in progress) for a rental period of 2 years.

It is possible to rent one or two parking spaces directly in the building on the -1 floor.

Due to its location on the edge of the development, the apartment is exceptionally quiet. The view from the windows and balcony is above the treetops, overlooking Háje, Průhonice, Říčany - southern orientation. Both bedrooms also have windows facing west. The southern windows are equipped with outdoor electric blinds, while the western windows have electric shutters.

Apartment equipment: The apartment has a fully equipped kitchen (induction hob, oven, fridge, dishwasher). There are large closets in the rest of the apartment. One bedroom has a bed, but it is necessary to purchase your own mattress. There is a washing machine in the bathroom. The main room has a large table and a temporary sofa.

Come for a viewing. The apartment is much nicer in person than in the photos.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID864178
Available from29/09/2024
Floor6. podlaží z 10
Užitná plocha79
Fully furnishedPartly
ConditionVery good
Building constructionMixed

Additional information

Balcony: 18.3 m²
Wheelchair accessible

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