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3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom flat to rent, 100 m², U Vápenice, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 3+1 • 100 m² without real estateU Vápenice, Prague - Holyně

Don’t miss out
U Vápenice, Prague - HolyněPartially equipped • Parking
Monthly rentCZK 35,000Save CZK 3,000CZK 38,000

+ Service chargesCZK 1,000
+ Utility chargesCZK 3,500
+ Refundable depositCZK 35,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 35,000 on commissions.

Pronajmu byt 3+1 v cihlové budově s částečnou vybaveností.

Nemovitost se nachází ve 2. patře z celkových 2 pater a má celkovou plochu 100 m2. K bytu náleží i půda o výměře 100m2 a rozlehlá zahrada.

Byt nabízí možnost spolubydlení, ale má zajištěné parkování před domem, nebo na zahradě.

Garáž a výtah v objektu nejsou k dispozici.

Bezbariérový přístup není zajištěn. Volejte mi na 60283879

Pro více informací a domluvení prohlídky mě kontaktujte skrz zprávy / komunikační platformu.

I am renting a 3+1 apartment in a brick building with partial furnishings. The property is located on the 2nd floor out of a total of 2 floors and has a total area of 100 m2. The apartment also includes an attic measuring 100m2 and a spacious garden.

The apartment offers the possibility of sharing, but has parking available in front of the house or in the garden.

There is no garage or elevator in the building.

Barrier-free access is not guaranteed.

For more information and to arrange a viewing, please contact me through messages / communication platform.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID860523
Available from06/09/2024
Floor2. podlaží z 2
Užitná plocha100
Fully furnishedPartly
Building constructionBrick

Additional information

Front garden 1,500 m²

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