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3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague
3 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 153 m², Smrčkova, Prague, Prague

Flat for sale 4+kk • 153 m² without real estateSmrčkova, Prague - Libeň

Smrčkova, Prague - LibeňEquipped • Lift • Garage • Balcony 6 m² • Cellar 10 m² • Terrace 16 m²
PriceCZK 38,600,000

Nabízíme k prodeji luxusní byt 4+kk v novém moderním projektu Dock Marina Boulevard. Bytový projekt se nachází na poloostrově, z obou stran kterého je nádherný výhled na Vltavu a park. Bytový projekt je uzavřeným areálem s bezpečnostní službou, 24 hodinovou recepcí, kamerovým systémem a závory pro auta. V areálu se nachází restaurace Kolkovna Dock, fitness centrum Dream Fit, česko-anglická škola a mateřská školka s dětským hřištěm. Výborná poloha areálu umožňuje se dostat do centra města autem za 7 minut a blízkost stanice metra a tramvaji Palmovka poskytuje snadný přístup k celému městu.

Bytová jednotka má dispozici 4+kk, s celkovou plochou 153,3 m² a nachází se ve 3.NP soukromého areálu. Byt má dva samostatné balkony o velikosti 16 m² a 6 m², obývací pokoj o velikosti 42,4 m², z kterého je krásný výhled na vodu a přístav, kde můžete klidně kotvit svou loď. Obývací pokoj je plně vybaven moderní kuchyní s technikou Bosch, americkou lednicí, filtrem na vodu a drtičem odpadu. Byt je vybaven systémem rekuperace vzduchu a klimatizací. Na všech oknech jsou instalovány hliníkové žaluzie s elektrickým ovládáním. Zvláštní pohodlí zajišťuje dřevěná podlaha pod kterou je umístěný systém podlahového topení. Systém Inteligentní dům zajišťuje nepřetržitou ochranu bytu a umožňuje ovládání topení, klimatizace, okenních žaluzií, světel, a také dálkové sledování bytu. V bytě jsou 3 ložnice, koupelna, sprchový kout, hostinský WC, plně vybavená šatna a prádelna. Jednou z výhod je oddělení aktivní zóny a zóny odpočinku.

K bytu patří dvě komory o velikosti 5,2 m² a 4,4 m².

Unikátní poloha komplexu umožňuje zažít si krásný výhled a zároveň žít v klidné a tiché části Prahy, obklopené řekou a parkem.

We offer for sale a luxury 4+kk apartment in the new modern project Dock Marina Boulevard. The residential project is located on a peninsula, with a beautiful view of the Vltava River and the park from both sides. The residential project is a closed area with security service, 24-hour reception, camera system, and barriers for cars. In the area, there is the restaurant Kolkovna Dock, fitness center Dream Fit, Czech-English school, and kindergarten with a playground. The excellent location of the area allows you to reach the city center by car in 7 minutes, and the proximity to the Palmovka metro station and tram provides easy access to the whole city.

The apartment unit has a layout of 4+kk, with a total area of 153.3 m² and is located on the 3rd floor of a private area. The apartment has two separate balconies of 16 m² and 6 m², a living room of 42.4 m², with a beautiful view of the water and the harbor, where you can peacefully anchor your boat. The living room is fully equipped with a modern kitchen with Bosch appliances, an American fridge, a water filter, and a waste disposal. The apartment is equipped with an air recovery system and air conditioning. Aluminum blinds with electric control are installed on all windows. Special comfort is provided by the wooden floor under which a floor heating system is located. The Smart Home system ensures continuous protection of the apartment and allows control of heating, air conditioning, window blinds, lights, and remote monitoring of the apartment. The apartment has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a shower, a guest toilet, a fully equipped dressing room, and a laundry room. One of the advantages is the separation of the active zone and the rest zone.

The apartment includes two chambers of 5.2 m² and 4.4 m².

The unique location of the complex allows you to experience a beautiful view and at the same time live in a peaceful and quiet part of Prague, surrounded by the river and park.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID852748
Available from21/07/2024
Floor3. podlaží z 4
Building constructionMixed
RisksPrověřit »
Užitná plocha153
Fully furnishedFully furnished
EPCB - Very economical

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Additional information

Balcony: 6 m²
Wheelchair accessible
Terrace/deck: 16 m²
Basement: 10 m²

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