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1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 69 m², Nádvorní, Liberec, Liberecký Region

Flat for sale 2+kk • 69 m² without real estateNádvorní, Liberec - Rochlice u Liberce, Liberecký Region

Nádvorní, Liberec - Rochlice u Liberce, Liberecký RegionPublic transport 8 minutes of walking • Partially equipped • Lift • Parking • Balcony 4.5 m² • Cellar 1.5 m²
PriceCZK 4,950,000

Prodej krásného bytu 2+kk v cihlové budově s výtahem na 6. podlaží. Tento byt se nachází v velmi dobrém stavu a nabízí částečnou vybavenost. Celková plocha bytu činí 69 m2 a k dispozici je také balkón o velikosti 4.5 m2.

Tato nemovitost nabízí možnost parkování, sklepní kóji a výtah. Energetická náročnost budovy je označena štítkem C.

Pokud hledáte moderní bydlení s výhledem a dobrou dostupností, tento byt může být právě pro vás. Pro více informací a domluvení prohlídky mě kontaktujte skrz zprávy.

Těším se na vaše zájemce a doufám, že tato nemovitost nalezne svého nového majitele, který ocení veškeré výhody, které tento byt nabízí.

Sale of a beautiful 2+kk apartment in a brick building with an elevator on the 6th floor. This apartment is in very good condition and offers partial furnishings. The total area of the apartment is 69 m2 and there is also a balcony measuring 4.5 m2.

This property offers parking, a cellar, and an elevator. The energy efficiency of the building is labeled as C.

If you are looking for modern living with a view and good accessibility, this apartment may be just for you. For more information and to schedule a viewing, please contact me through messages.

I look forward to your interest and hope that this property finds its new owner who will appreciate all the benefits that this apartment offers.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID847963
Available from22/06/2024
Floor6. podlaží z 6
Building constructionBrick
RisksPrověřit »
Užitná plocha69
Fully furnishedPartly
ConditionVery good
EPCC - Economical

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Additional information

Balcony: 4.5 m²
MHD 8 minutes on foot
Basement: 1.5 m²

What you will find nearby

Public transportKrejčího
🚶 632 m (8 min)
Post officeLiberec 6
🚘 880 m (3 min)
🚶 428 m (5 min)
🚘 3,363 m (9 min)
🚶 393 m (5 min)
PharmacyLékárna Sano
🚶 729 m (9 min)
SchoolZŠ Dobiášova
🚶 742 m (9 min)
KindergardenMateřská škola "Kytička"
🚶 60 m (1 min)
Sports fieldTenis Rochlice
🚘 1,391 m (4 min)
🚶 480 m (6 min)

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