Flat to rent 3+kk • 78 m² without real estateU Borského parku, Plzeň - Plzeň, Plzeňský Region
U Borského parku, Plzeň - Plzeň, Plzeňský RegionPublic transport 6 minutes of walking • Equipped • Lift • GarageThe rent and fees apply for an 12-month lease. However, this offer can be rented through Flatio starting from 1 month. The administrative fee is lower for shorter rentals. Rentals shorter than 6 months are always without a deposit.
Hotelový apartmán - 2 ložnice. V moderně a komfortně vybavených apartmánech snadno zapomenete, že jste v hotelu. Jen občas Vám to příjemně připomenou nejrůznější služby, kterými Vás bude hýčkat ochotný personál. Třípokojové apartmány v našem hotelu nedělají kompromisy a nešetří prostorem. Luxusní pokoje v moderním designu splní nejnáročnější požadavky. Užívejte si i na cestách do Plzně pohodlí domova.
Hotel apartment - 2 bedrooms. In the modern and comfortably furnished apartments, you will easily forget that you are in a hotel. Only occasionally will you be pleasantly reminded of various services, which will be pampered by helpful staff. Three-room apartments in our hotel do not compromise and do not save space. Luxurious rooms in a modern design meet the most demanding requirements. Enjoy the comfort of home on your way to Pilsen.
Property Characteristics
Listing ID | 845392 |
Layout | 3+kk |
Fully furnished | Fully furnished |
Floor | 4. podlaží |
Užitná plocha | 78 m² |
Umístění | Klidná část |
Available from | 01/04/2025 |
Cena za jednotku | CZK 432 / m2 |
Additional information
Lift | |
MHD 6 minutes on foot |
Garage |
What you will find nearby
The rent and fees apply for an 12-month lease. However, this offer can be rented through Flatio starting from 1 month. The administrative fee is lower for shorter rentals. Rentals shorter than 6 months are always without a deposit.
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