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1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat for sale, 47 m², Gorazdova, Prague, Prague

Flat for sale 2+kk • 47 m² without real estateGorazdova, Prague - Nové Město

Gorazdova, Prague - Nové MěstoPublic transport 1 minute of walking • Partially equipped
PriceCZK 6,490,000

Prodej investičního bytu v centru Prahy u Tančícího domu (ulice Gorazdova u Jiráskovo náměstí). SKVĚLÁ LOKALITA!

Družstevní byt v suterénu o výměře 46,8m2, 2 + kk.

Jeden pokoj je průchozí.

Okna do tichého vnitrobloku.

Oddělené WC od koupelny (v koupelně je vana a prostor na pračku). Byt je po částečné rekonstrukci - podlahy, nová kuchyň, koupelna, okna - bez rekonstrukce. Bez vybavení - pouze kuchyň s plynovou troubou, malou lednicí a myčkou.

Cena: 6.490.000,-Kč (v ceně je družstevní byt, podíl na společných prostorech vč. restaurace) - možnost převodu hypotečního úvěru ve výši cca 1,3 mil.Kč

Byt má dlouhodobého slušného podnájemníka se smlouvou na dobu určitou (na rok s možností prolongování)

4% roční výnos s možností každoročního zvýšení nájmu

Bez provize, prodej od majitele. RK nevolat!!!

Sale of an investment apartment in the center of Prague near the Dancing House (Gorazdova street near Jiraskovo square). GREAT LOCATION!

Cooperative apartment in the basement with a total area of 46.8m2, 2 + kk.

One room is walk-through.

Windows facing a quiet courtyard.

Separate toilet from the bathroom (the bathroom has a bathtub and space for a washing machine). The apartment has undergone partial reconstruction - floors, new kitchen, bathroom, windows - without reconstruction. Unfurnished - only kitchen with gas stove, small fridge, and dishwasher.

Price: 6,490,000 CZK (includes cooperative apartment, share in common areas including a restaurant) - possibility of transferring a mortgage loan of approximately 1.3 million CZK

The apartment has a long-term decent tenant with a fixed-term contract (for a year with the possibility of extension)

4% annual yield with the possibility of annual rent increase

No commission, sale by owner. Do not call real estate agents!!!

Property Characteristics

Listing ID845217
Available from06/06/2024
FloorGround floor
Building constructionBrick
Užitná plocha47
Fully furnishedPartly
ConditionVery good
EPCC - Economical

Additional information

MHD 1 minute on foot

What you will find nearby

Public transportJiráskovo náměstí
🚶 63 m (1 min)
Post officePraha 28
🚶 333 m (4 min)
ShopKorea Mart
🚶 158 m (2 min)
🚶 281 m (3 min)
🚶 2 m (0 min)
PharmacyLékárna Moráň
🚶 418 m (5 min)
SchoolZákladní škola a Mateřská škola Resslova
🚶 244 m (3 min)
🚶 556 m (7 min)
Sports fieldContours Fitness
🚘 1,618 m (5 min)
🚶 383 m (5 min)

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