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Flat to rent Studio • 43 m² without real estateKrásova, Prague - Žižkov

Krásova, Prague - ŽižkovPublic transport 2 minutes of walking • Lift • Garage • Cellar 4 m² • Terrace 12 m²
Monthly rentCZK 23,900

+ Service chargesCZK 3,800
+ Refundable depositCZK 47,800

Pronajmu byt. Lokace Praha 3 - Žižkov, Krásova 2919/31, u tram. zastávky Viktoria Žižkov (Seifertova ul.), 1+kk, 43m2 + 12m2 terasa + 73m2 předzahrádka, sklep, 2.NP, klidný vnitroblok. Byt je nový, kolaudace 2022, je bez vybavení nábytkem, v kuchyni nové spotřebiče. Měsíční nájemné 23.900,- Kč, poplatky za služby 3.800,- Kč/1 osoba (bez internetu), další osoba +1.000,- Kč. Vratná kauce 47.800,- Kč. Smlouva minimálně na 1 rok. Možnost pronájmu garáže v podzemní garáži budovy za cenu 3.900,- Kč měsíčně. Byt volný ihned. RK NEVOLAT !!!

Apartment for rent. Prague 3 - Žižkov, Krásova 2919/31, tram station Viktoria Žižkov (near Seifertova Street), 1+kk, 43m2 + 12m2 terrace + 73m2 garden, cellar, 2. ground floor. Apartment is new, 2022 colaudation, without furniture, in the kitchen new appliacences. Monthly rent CZK 23.900, service charges CZK 3.800/1 person (without internet), another person +CZK 1.000. Security deposit CZK 47.800. Contract at least on 1 year. Possibility to rent a parking place in the building for CZK 3.900 per month. Apartment free immediately. Real estates agencies please do not reply.

Appartment for rent. Location Prague 3 - Žižkov, Krásova Street 2919/31b, near Viktoria Žižkov tram station (Seifertova street), 1kk, 43m2 + 12m2 terrace + 37m2 front garden, 2. groundfloor, quiet inner courtyard. Brand new, colaudation 2022, newly furnished and equipped. Monthly rent CZK 22.900 plus utilities CZK 3.800/1 person (internet is not included). At least 1 year contract. Possibility to rent parking place in underground garage for CZK 3.900 per month. CZK 68.700 refundable deposit. Free immemdiately. Tel. ESTATE AGENCIES DO NOT CALL!!!

Property Characteristics

Listing ID820168
Available from16/05/2024
Floor2. podlaží z 6
EPCB - Very economical
Užitná plocha43
Fully furnishedUnfurnished
Building constructionOther
AgeUp to 10 years

Additional information

Terrace/deck: 12 m²
Front garden 37 m²
Basement: 4 m²
MHD 2 minutes on foot

What you will find nearby

Public transportViktoria Žižkov
🚶 143 m (2 min)
Post office
🚶 360 m (4 min)
🚶 49 m (1 min)
🚶 310 m (4 min)
RestaurantSklep Restaurant
🚶 85 m (1 min)
PharmacyNemocnice na Žižkově
🚶 326 m (4 min)
SchoolZákladní škola a mateřská škola Jaroslava Seiferta
🚶 60 m (1 min)
🚶 51 m (1 min)
Sports fieldTišerova škola boxu
🚶 397 m (5 min)
🚶 445 m (5 min)

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