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2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 144 m², Kaizlovy sady, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 3+kk • 144 m² without real estateKaizlovy sady, Prague - Karlín

Kaizlovy sady, Prague - KarlínPublic transport 1 minute of walking • Equipped • Lift • Parking • Cellar 3 m²
Monthly rentCZK 40,000

+ Utility chargesCZK 2,770
+ Refundable depositCZK 80,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 40,000 on commissions.

Pokud máte rádi střídmou moderní výzdobu, pak si zamilujete tento nádherný byt 3+kk pronájmu v Karlíně. Pohovka má pohovku, takže se můžete natáhnout a číst knihu pro klidnou noc doma.

Karlín je kousek na východ od starého města Prahy a všichni turisté také. Ve vaší nové čtvrti najdete několik zahraničních opozdilců, kteří si fotí. Ale jinak se dá žít jako místní. Piknikovat můžete ve Vítcově parku. Svůj švih si můžete oprášit na driving range Rohan Island. A můžete si užít večer v nedalekých bistrech a koktejlových saloncích.

Tranzit vás do centra města dostane za 20 minut.

Následující stanice metra je do 5 minut chůze od apartmánu:

Invalidovna (linka B)

Křižíková (linka B)

Za 1 minutu chůze se dostanete sem:

Tramvajová zastávka Urxova (tramvaje 3, 8 a 24)

Karlín lze popsat jako nové průmyslové centrum Prahy plné parků a spojení tradiční „pohádkové“ české architektury se současnými kancelářskými budovami. Karlín je v jistém smyslu pražský Brooklyn!

If you enjoy a sober modern decor, then you’ll love this gorgeous 2-bedroom apartment to rent in Karlín. The sofa has a chaise, so you can stretch out and read a book for a quiet night at home. There are 4 seats at the dining table when you want to entertain. You don’t have to go out to do laundry, and you can enjoy your morning coffee on the bedroom balcony.

Karlín is just east of Prague’s old town, and all of the tourists too. You’ll find a few foreign stragglers taking snapshot in your new neighborhood. But otherwise you can live like a local. You can picnic in Vitcov park. You can brush up on your swing at the Rohan Island driving range. And you can enjoy a night out at nearby bistros and cocktail lounges.

Transit can get you downtown in 20 minutes.

The following Metro station is within a 5-minute walk of the apartment:

Invalidovna (line B)

Krizikova (line B)

A 1-minute walk brings you here:

Urxova tram stop (trams 3, 8 and 24)

Karlin can be described as the new industrial hub of Prague filled with parks and fusion of traditional 'fairytale' Czech architecture with contemporary office-oriented buildings. In a sense, Karlin is Brooklyn of Prague!

Property Characteristics

Listing ID800959
Fully furnishedFully furnished
Floor4. podlaží z 4
Building constructionBrick
Cena za jednotkuCZK 278 / m2
Užitná plocha144
UmístěníKlidná část
Available from01/02/2025
EPCB - Very economical

Additional information

MHD 1 minute on foot
Basement: 3 m²

What you will find nearby

Public transportUrxova
🚶 86 m (1 min)
Post officePraha 86
🚶 782 m (9 min)
🚶 83 m (1 min)
BankUniCredit Bank
🚶 522 m (6 min)
🚶 84 m (1 min)
PharmacyU slunce
🚶 487 m (6 min)
SchoolZŠ Lyčkovo náměstí
🚶 290 m (3 min)
KindergardenCírkevní mateřská škola Laura
🚘 1,473 m (5 min)
Sports fieldAikido Karlín
🚶 537 m (6 min)
🚶 178 m (2 min)

How far to…:

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