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Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 29 m², Irkutská, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent Small studio • 29 m² without real estateIrkutská, Prague - Vinohrady

Irkutská, Prague - VinohradyPublic transport 3 minutes of walking • Partially equipped • Parking • Cellar 5 m²
Monthly rentCZK 15,000

+ Service chargesCZK 750
+ Refundable depositCZK 15,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 15,000 on commissions.

Pronajmu garsonieru, pokoj s kuchynskym koutem, k mesicni platbe majiteli je 15.000 Kc - tj. najem + 750 Kč / osoba poplatky za sluzby souvisejici s bydlenim (vodne /stocne, uklid spolecnych prostor domu, odvoz odpadu apod.), nezahrnuje poplatky za elektrinu a plyn, topeni plynové WAW regulovatelné, ohrev vody bojler, velike vestavene skrine v predsini, koupelna se sprchovym koutem, samostatne WC, vybaveno lednicí, pračkou a zařízeními kuchyňského koutu. Umístění mezi stanicemi metra Želivského a Strašnická, výborná dopravní obslužnost. Připojení k Vodafone (dříve UPC) internetu.

Nutností bude předložit platnou pracovní smlouvy, z níž bude možné odvodit stabilní platební schopnost nájemce, předložení kontaktu na předchozího pronajímatele bude výhodou

Studio for rent, room with kitchenette, monthly payment to the owner is 11,000 CZK - i.e. rent + 750 CZK / person fees for services related to housing (water/sewage, cleaning of common areas of the house, garbage collection, etc.), does not include electricity fees and gas, adjustable WAW gas heating, boiler water heating, large built-in cupboards in the hall, bathroom with shower, separate toilet, equipped with fridge, washing machine and kitchen appliances. Location between Želivského and Strašnická metro stations, excellent traffic service. Connection to Vodafone (formerly UPC) internet.

It will be necessary to submit a valid employment contract, from which it will be possible to derive the tenant's stable ability to pay, submitting contact information for the previous landlord will be an advantage

Property Characteristics

Listing ID751572
LayoutSmall studio
Available from14/10/2024
Floor1. podlaží z 4
EPCD - Less economical
Užitná plocha29
Fully furnishedPartly
Building constructionBrick
AgeOver 50 years

Additional information

Basement: 5 m²
MHD 3 minutes on foot
Pets are welcome

What you will find nearby

Public transportKrematorium Strašnice
🚶 269 m (3 min)
Post officePraha 10 – Balíky
🚶 708 m (9 min)
🚶 282 m (3 min)
BankPoštovní Spořitelna
🚶 475 m (6 min)
RestaurantVidličky a nože
🚶 361 m (4 min)
🚶 596 m (7 min)
SchoolZákladní škola speciální Starostrašnická
🚶 717 m (9 min)
KindergardenMateřská škola Omská
🚶 587 m (7 min)
Sports fieldTJ Sokol Strašnice
🚶 786 m (9 min)
🚶 319 m (4 min)

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