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1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague
1 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 53 m², Patočkova, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 2+kk • 53 m² without real estatePatočkova, Prague - Břevnov

Patočkova, Prague - BřevnovPublic transport 2 minutes of walking • Partially equipped • Lift • Cellar 9 m²
Monthly rentCZK 20,900

+ Service chargesCZK 5,639
+ Utility chargesCZK 1,510
+ Refundable depositCZK 20,900


DM all private owners and save CZK 20,900 on commissions.

Nabízím designový byt ve zděném bytovém domě z 50.let 20.století. Jedná se o 2+kk v 1.patře po celkové rekonstrukci z r.2019. K bytu náleží sklep o 9 m2, ve společných prostorách sklepa je také umístěna vlastní pračka a sušička. Okna obytné místnosti a kuchyně hledí do zeleného vnitrobloku, okno ložnice pak do ulice. Byt má bezpečností alarm a dveře. Nespornou výhodou je energetická nenáročnost, během tří let obývaní nebylo nutné zapínat topení a přesto byly prostory vytopené na 20 stupňů C.

Poplatky jsou včetně elektřiny, plynu a poplatku ČT (dle aktuální výše z září 2024).

K dispozici ihned.

SVJ plánuje rekonstrukci vnějšího pláště budovy, zateplení.

I offer a designer apartment in a brick apartment building from the 50s of the 20th century. It is a 2 + kk on the 1st floor. The apparment was completely reconstructed in 2019. The apartment has its own 9 m² cellar. There is also a washing machine and dryer in the common areas of the cellar. The windows of the living room and the kitchen are directed to the green courtyard, the bedroom window is directed to the street. The apartment has a security alarm and security door. An undeniable advantage is the energy efficiency. There was no need to turn on the heating during the three years of living in the apartment and yet the interior was heated to 20 °C.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID724873
Available from06/07/2022
Floor1. podlaží z 5
EPCG - Extremely uneconomical
Užitná plocha53
Fully furnishedPartly
ConditionVery good
Building constructionBrick
AgeUp to 10 years

Additional information

Basement: 9 m²
MHD 2 minutes on foot
Pets are welcome

What you will find nearby

Public transportU Kaštanu
🚶 127 m (2 min)
Post officePraha 69
🚶 225 m (3 min)
ShopPotraviny market
🚶 140 m (2 min)
BankKomerční banka
🚶 164 m (2 min)
🚶 276 m (3 min)
PharmacyLékárna U Kaštanu
🚶 182 m (2 min)
SchoolCesta k úspěchu
🚶 387 m (5 min)
🚶 814 m (10 min)
Sports fieldFitness
🚶 253 m (3 min)
🚶 534 m (6 min)

How far to…:

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