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Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague
Small studio flat to rent, 23 m², Kyselova, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent Small studio • 23 m² without real estateKyselova, Prague - Kobylisy

Kyselova, Prague - KobylisyPublic transport 1 minute of walking • Partially equipped • Lift
Vyžadováno pojištění odpovědnostiVyžadováno ověření bezdlužnosti
Monthly rentCZK 14,900

+ Service chargesCZK 4,300
+ Refundable depositCZK 20,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 14,900 on commissions.

Nabízíme k pronájmu zrekonstruovaný byt 1+kk, který se nachází v 10. NP panelového domu po revitalizaci, 450 m od metra Ládví s výhledem na Pražský hrad, Petřín, a Trojský most.

Jedná se o prosvětlený byt s orientací na JZ. V pokoji se nachází kuchyňská linka s varnou deskou, el. troubou, ledničkou a dřezem. Místnost dále nabízí skříň s místem pro TV, pracovní stůl, židle a rozkládací postel s úložným prostorem. V předsíni se nachází vestavěná skříň. Koupelna disponuje sprchovým koutem, umývadlem, toaletou a pračkou.

V bytě je osazeno nové plastové okno. V domě je k dispozici recepce s ostrahou a tři výtahy. Okolí domu se pyšní bohatou občanskou vybaveností, jako jsou obchody, služby a především pak mnoho míst k procházkám vč. nedalekého Ďáblického háje, různá sportoviště a fitness centra.

Cena 14.900,- Kč za měsíc + služby pro jednu osobu 4.300,- Kč (částka obsahuje zálohy na veškeré služby (voda, teplo, elektřina, výtah, recepce, internet, atd.) Kauce 20.000,- Kč.

We offer for rent a renovated apartment 1 + kk, located on the 10th floor of a panel house after revitalization, 450 m from the Ládví metro station with a view of Prague Castle, Petrin Hill and Troja Bridge.

This is a bright apartment with a focus on SW. The room has a new kitchen with hob, an el. oven, a refrigerator and a sink. The room also offers a closet with space for a TV, a work desk, chairs, a "transformer" dining table with two chairs and a sofa bed with astorage space. There is a built-in wardrobe in the hall. The bathroom has a shower, a sink, a toilet and a washing machine.

The apartment has new electricity and water distribution, new plastic windows are installed, a year ago the bathroom was renovated, the entrance and interior doors were replaced. The house itself has undergone a partial revitalization - including the replacement of risers, nets and new insulation. The house has a reception with security and three elevators. The surroundings of the house boast a rich civic amenities, such as shops, services and especially many places to walk, incl. nearby Ďáblický háj, various sports grounds and fitness centers.

The price is 9,900 CZK per month + services for one person 4,300 CZK (the amount includes deposits for all services (water, heat, electricity, elevator, reception, internet, etc.) Deposit 15,000 CZK.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID654988
LayoutSmall studio
Fully furnishedPartly
ConditionVery good
EPCD - Less economical
Užitná plocha23
UmístěníKlidná část
Available from01/04/2025
Floor10. podlaží
Building constructionPrefab concrete
Age30 - 50 years
Cena za jednotkuCZK 648 / m2

Additional information

MHD 1 minute on foot

What you will find nearby

Public transportKyselova
🚶 107 m (1 min)
Post officePraha 82
🚶 490 m (6 min)
ShopMůj obchod
🚶 269 m (3 min)
🚶 294 m (4 min)
🚶 254 m (3 min)
PharmacyLékárna Čumpelíkova
🚶 317 m (4 min)
SchoolZŠ a MŠ Heřmánek a volnočasové centrum
🚶 0 m (0 min)
KindergardenSMŠ Štíbrova
🚶 250 m (3 min)
Sports fieldTJ Sokol Kobylisy
🚶 746 m (9 min)
🚶 211 m (3 min)

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