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2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague
2 bedroom with open-plan kitchen flat to rent, 56 m², Kubelíkova, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent 3+kk • 56 m² without real estateKubelíkova, Prague - Žižkov

Kubelíkova, Prague - ŽižkovPartially equipped • Lift • Balcony 2 m² • Cellar 2 m²
Vyžadováno ověření bezdlužnosti
Monthly rentCZK 27,000

+ Service chargesCZK 1,160
+ Utility chargesCZK 2,000
+ Refundable depositCZK 54,000


DM all private owners and save CZK 27,000 on commissions.

Nabízím k pronájmu slunný byt o dispozici 3kk na rozmezi Vinohrad a Žižkova. Byt se nachází v 5. nejvyšším podlaží s balkonem. V roce 2019 zde proběhla kompletní rekonstrukce. Nejbližší zastávka metra Jiřího z Poděbrad je vzdálena jen 5 minut chůze. V domě je funkční výtah, přes dvůr se lze dostat do nezastavěného společného vnitrobloku.

Byt se skládá z obývacího pokoje/kuchyně s plně vybavenou linkou, koupelnou se sprchovým koutem a toaletou a dvěmi menšími pokoji, z nichž jeden slouží jako ložnice a druhý může mít např. funkci pracovny. Ve druhém pokoji se nachází dřevem obložená nika jako další prostor na spaní a zároveň úložný prostor.

Byt je částečně vybaven. Kromě nábytku je k dispozici i lednička, myčka nádobí a pračka. Energie budou převedny na nájemce.

Jakékoliv Vaše dotazy rád zodpovím na osobní prohlídce, případně mě kontaktujte prostřednictvím mailu/zde v aplikaci.

I rent a sunny apartment on the border of Vinohrady and Žižkov district. Apartment is located on the fifth floor with balcony and has undergone a complete reconstruction in 2019. Closest subway stop Jiřího z Poděbrad is only 5 minutes walking. There is a working elevator inside the building. Residents also have access to a relaxing courtyard.

Apartment consists of living room with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower and toliet and two smaller rooms of which one is used as a bedroom and the other one can serve as a study. In the second room you can also find a wooden niche as the other sleeping option and also including extended storage space.

The apartment is fully equipped. Apart from the furniture, there is a fridge, dishwasher and washing machine at your disposal. Payments for energies will be transfered to tenant.

I'm happy to answer all your questions in a personal meeting in the apartment or via email communication/on this platform.

Property Characteristics

Listing ID569737
Fully furnishedPartly
Floor5. podlaží z 5
Building constructionBrick
Užitná plocha56
UmístěníKlidná část
Available from01/05/2025
HeatingGas boiler
Cena za jednotkuCZK 482 / m2

Additional information

Balcony: 2 m²
Basement: 2 m²

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