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Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague
Studio flat to rent, 41 m², Hlučkova, Prague, Prague

Flat to rent Studio • 41 m² without real estateHlučkova, Prague - Letňany

Don’t miss out
Hlučkova, Prague - LetňanyPublic transport 7 minutes of walking • Equipped • Balcony 5 m² • Cellar 4 m²
Vyžadováno ověření bezdlužnosti
Monthly rentCZK 17,500

+ Service chargesCZK 3,500
+ Utility chargesCZK 1,060


DM all private owners and save CZK 17,500 on commissions.

Pronajmu nový a plně zařízený byt: předokenní rolety, skříně, 2-postel, kuchyň s vestavnou lednicí, myčkou, troubou a indukční deskou, pračka, atd. Celková velikost bytu je 41m2 vč. balkónu + sklep 4m2 - vhodné pro jednotlivce. Byt má 1 velký pokoj s kuchyní, koupelnu s WC a předsíň. Byt má integrovaný požární hlásič, proto je nekuřácký. V blízkosti je lesopark, Lidl, Globus, nákupní centrum Letňany. 4 min pěšky na bus Avia Letňany, dále 5 min busem na metro C Letňany, 14 min busem na Vysočanskou, 30 min. do centra. Krásný výhled na část parku a okolí. Situován na jih a západ, v 3. nadzemním podlaží s výtahem. Kauce 2 nájmy. Bez domácích mazlíčků a preference CZ/SK nájemců.

Byt je k dispozici ihned, prohlídky možné po předchozí domluvě.

Elektřina bude převedena na nájemnici/nájemníka.

Nevolat/nepsat RK ani agenti!!

I rent an fully equipped flat: a glass window with venetian blinds, wardrobe, double bed, washing machine, kitchen with integrated fridge, dishwasher, oven and induction hob, dishes etc. Flat has 41m2 including balcony + cellar 4m2 - suitable for single. Possible to use garage parking lot. Flat is recently build up – final inspection was in 12/2018: bathroom with WC, kitchen and flooring. Flat consist of one big room with kitchen, bathroom with toilet and hall. Flat has integrated EPS, therefore is non-smoking. Very close to Lidl or Globus grocery, Letnany shopping mall and park. Four minutes walk to bus stop Avia Letnany, 5 min by bus to metro Letnany, 14 by bus to Vysocanská, 30 min. to downtown. Nice view to the part of park and surroundings. Flat is situated to South and West, in 3rd floor with elevator. I prefer woman. Guarantee is 3 monthly lease.

Email: not call real estate agent!!

Property Characteristics

Listing ID552186
Fully furnishedFully furnished
EPCB - Very economical
Cena za jednotkuCZK 427 / m2
Užitná plocha41
UmístěníKlidná část
Available from01/02/2025
Floor3. podlaží
Building constructionBrick
AgeUp to 10 years

Additional information

Balcony: 5 m²
MHD 7 minutes on foot
Basement: 4 m²

What you will find nearby

Public transportAvia Letňany
🚶 595 m (7 min)
Post officePraha 99
🚘 1,301 m (3 min)
ShopRuský obchod
🚘 1,621 m (4 min)
BankČeská spořitelna
🚘 2,554 m (4 min)
RestaurantLetňanská terasa
🚶 249 m (3 min)
PharmacyLékárna Letňany
🚘 1,401 m (3 min)
🚘 1,701 m (4 min)
🚘 1,395 m (3 min)
Sports field
🚘 4,686 m (9 min)
🚶 146 m (2 min)

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